The Xero Wheel

A true test of the claim that we print ‘just about anything onto just about anything’, we were tasked with creating a self-standing spinning wheel for the 2018 Xero Road Show.

Featuring 16 locations around the country, an army of helpers, and a whole lot of interactive information, the Road Show was set to last numerous weeks involving multiple unpacks and pack-ups. Therefore, the wheel had to be lightweight and portable enough for the crew to handle – but durable and tough enough to last the distance!

Made to mimic the fire hazard signs dotted around the Kiwi countryside, the wheel involved some complex engineering work – particularly around the spindle, the stand, and the sound. The stand was designed and built in-house, crafted to be totally removable yet sturdy and simple to put together. The spindle mechanism needed to allow the wheel to spin freely while the pointer remained stationery – much harder than it looks, particularly given the tough task of picking the right construction materials.

Finally, we had to achieve the ideal loud, distinctive clicking noise – vital to achieving the right atmosphere of anticipation for the crowds! The Xero wheel travelled and performed well, spinning up and down the country to leave behind plenty of happy winners as well as a happy client.

While we do plenty of our own experiential marketing and events, we’re happy to help out other brands and agencies. Uno Loco are a regular partner, and we’re keen to keep making one another look good.


  • Printing
  • Design


  • Print
  • Experiential
The Xero Wheel